Cellulose in Cancer Diagnostics

Ebba Biotech welcomes you to listen to our newest webinar featuring Dr. Tharagan Kumar presenting his work from his time at KTH, the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm Sweden. During this talk titled “Cellulose in Cancer Diagnostics”, Dr. Kumar will be presenting his work breaking barriers in diagnostics using the Ebba Biotech Carbotrace molecules.

Dr. Kumar comes from a background in biotechnology on the nanoscale leading him to seek the link between science and technology in medicine. With this, his studies from bachelors level all the way to doctoral studies focused heavily on how modern technology can improve lives - and importantly - how to make it accessible. This has led him to seek opportunities within med-tech to understand each facet of the industry from concept, to funding to ultimately change lives.

Read more about Dr. Kumar and his research here: https://www.scilifelab.se/news/promising-diagnostic-tool-for-cancer-diagnostics/

Or about his publication here: https://www.ebbabiotech.com/blogs/carbotrace-publications/breaking-barriers-in-early-detection-of-cancer

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